A weblog once dedicated to the exposure of the crackpots of the lunatic self-styled 'traditionalist' fringe who disingenuously pose as faithful Catholics.
It is now an inactive archive.
"Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the cunning statements
of those who persistently claim to wish to be with the Church, to
love the Church, to fight so that people do not leave Her...But
judge them by their works. If they despise the shepherds of the
Church and even the Pope, if they attempt all means of evading their
authority in order to elude their directives and judgments..., then
about which Church do these men mean to speak? Certainly not about
that established on the foundations of the apostles and prophets,
with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone (Eph. 2:20)." [Pope St. Pius X: Allocution of May 10, 1909]
Any correspondence will be presumed eligible for
blogging unless the sender otherwise specifies (cf. Welborn Protocol)
*Ecumenical Jihad listing is for weblogs or websites which are either dedicated
to or which to the webmaster (i) are worth reading and (ii) characteri ze in their general outlook the preservation of
general Judeo-Christian morality and which are aimed at positively integrating these elements into society. (Such
sites need not even be Catholic ones.)
As society has grown more estranged from its founding principles, I wish to
note sites which share the same sentiments for the restoration of society even if the means advocated in this
endeavour differ. The Lidless Eye Inquisition does not necessarily endorse particulars with sites under
this heading.
:: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 ::
SSPX Meeting
A lot of people are asking me about it. This is not the time for gossip and rumour-mongering. Catholics on both sides of the traditionalist divide need to fast and pray over the next week.
I will be praying specifically for my fellow traditionalists at Sacred Heart Church in Mancelona, MI.
:: Pete Vere 8:04 PM [+] | ::
I really am glad he is a contributor to this humble weblog. Anaphora 2 is admittedly one that I believe should not be used on Sundays or Holy Days except (perhaps) in the case of an elderly priest or one who is infirm. Nonetheless, hopefully Keith will finish that commentary soon.
:: Shawn 2:04 PM [+] | ::
Basically it involves another exercise of the logical fallacy of questionable premise (to put it mildly) though not on Kevin's part.
[Update: Here is the second part of his commentary on The Remnant: Playing With Fire - ISM 1/31/06 5:00pm]
:: Shawn 4:21 PM [+] | ::
Open Forum:
As I have done in months past, this is a continuation of the open forum idea where people can talk about whatever they want and have a bit of a free-for-all without as much concern for being congruent to the post they comment on. The only real rules are the usual ones for conduct (including avoiding name calling) and avoiding posting spam (do not even think about it) or lengthy tracts from others. Other than that and respecting the just-re-enacted truce between LEI and Robert Sungenis, have at it!!!
:: Shawn 12:30 PM [+] | ::
The ever-reliable grapevine has informed me of some breaking news pertaining to Robert Sungenis which has compelled me to once again reinstate the truce between LEI and CAI previously proposed by Pete Vere and confirmed by me in forma specifica which subsisted on this weblog for three months up to the time of the posting on the twenty-fourth. For that reason, the previous Sungenis-related thread will have any comments posted in it from this point forward deleted promptly no matter what they are until that discussion can be resumed at a more appropriate time along with other material I had readied for posting. the whole thread has been consigned to draft status (comments and all) and replaced for the indefinite future with another posting.
:: Shawn 12:21 PM [+] | ::
Updating the Lidless Eye Inquisition (Part VI):
I originally noted when posting the fifth part of a weblog update back in October of 2005 that [t]he next installment in this series will be posted sometime in November. Obviously that did not happen for reasons too numerous to go into here but I did collect the threads at the time for that endeavour.
What is posted here is the sixth part of the update and should update the weblog to within six months of the present time. In light of the recent inactivity of LEI -and my uncertainty as to when something more will be posted here- it seems appropriate to post the sixth part and save the seventh (and final) one for later on...say in a month or three. Anyway, without further ado, here goes...
I will readily admit that some of the sidemargin's format is in need of aggiornamento in that I have not considered Kevin's apostolate to be truly "controverted" for at least eighteen months now if not longer. Nonetheless, the Ottavianian semper idem part of me argues that the classifications should remain as they are for the time being; ergo, I decided to post the threads that once would have gone here into the miscellaneous dialogual threads classification by "special dispensation" if you will ;-)
[:::....Controverted Subjects and People in General....:::]
Added in perpetuity all things to the contrary notwithstanding.
:: Shawn 12:17 PM [+] | ::
:: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 ::
The thread originally posted here has been transferred to the drafts folder for posting at another time. My reasons for doing this to some extent are summarized in what was posted subsequent to this thread and that is all I intend to say publicly on the matter at this time.
:: Shawn 1:36 PM [+] | ::