A weblog once dedicated to the exposure of the crackpots of the lunatic self-styled 'traditionalist' fringe who disingenuously pose as faithful Catholics.
It is now an inactive archive.
"Do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the cunning statements
of those who persistently claim to wish to be with the Church, to
love the Church, to fight so that people do not leave Her...But
judge them by their works. If they despise the shepherds of the
Church and even the Pope, if they attempt all means of evading their
authority in order to elude their directives and judgments..., then
about which Church do these men mean to speak? Certainly not about
that established on the foundations of the apostles and prophets,
with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone (Eph. 2:20)." [Pope St. Pius X: Allocution of May 10, 1909]
Any correspondence will be presumed eligible for
blogging unless the sender otherwise specifies (cf. Welborn Protocol)
*Ecumenical Jihad listing is for weblogs or websites which are either dedicated
to or which to the webmaster (i) are worth reading and (ii) characteri ze in their general outlook the preservation of
general Judeo-Christian morality and which are aimed at positively integrating these elements into society. (Such
sites need not even be Catholic ones.)
As society has grown more estranged from its founding principles, I wish to
note sites which share the same sentiments for the restoration of society even if the means advocated in this
endeavour differ. The Lidless Eye Inquisition does not necessarily endorse particulars with sites under
this heading.
:: Thursday, June 16, 2005 ::
What happened to the debate between Sungenis and Matatics?
All reference to the debate seems to have vanished. I had suggested to one of the organizers that Vin Lewis be invited to moderate, however, the debate doesn't seem to have gained any traction.
:: Pete Vere 7:20 AM [+] | ::
:: Tuesday, June 14, 2005 ::
In Fairness to Michael Forrest
Ben Yachov raises a good question in response to the thread below, namely, "Why did Michael Forrest let Sungenis publish the Elizabeth Dillings 'Talmud authorizes Child Rape" crap in the first place?'"
As everyone knows, I was one of the strongest proponents of holding the folks at CAI accountable for the objectionable views mentioned by James Scott (Ben Yachov). This created a number of tense situations between myself and Michael Forrest among others. That being said, if you remember the time line, we cannot really hold Michael Forrest responsible for allowing Sungenis to publish that.
Keep in mind that it was not Forrest's job at the time. Rather, if memory serves correctly, it was John Pacheco's job. Nevertheless, through the intervention of the webmaster at the time (Jake Michael) the piece snuck past Pacheco, who was busy dealing at the time with a major deadline at his day job.
Pacheco went through the roof when he saw it. He immediately called for a truce in the CAI vs. Everybody Else apologetics war, had a little chat with Sungenis, and when this failed to yield an apology after forty-eight hours, Pacheco and the rest of CAI Canada tendered their resignation rather than allow their name to be tarnished by it. Three months later they would emerge as the Catholic-Legate.
In the interim, Jake Michael was running around trying to dismiss the controversy as merely a case of accidental plagarism, while Kevin Tierney was claiming Bob Sungenis was being persecuted for becoming a Traditionalist. (Although in fairness to Kevin, he also objected to Sungenis quoting this material.) By the time Michael Forrest was promoted to the position of censor, the more objectionable quotations had already been edited out of the piece in question.
Regardless, this latest batch of Bob's Jew-baiting appears to correspond with Michael Forrest leaving CAI, and both Jake Michael and Kevin Tierney appear to be addressing reality this time around. Therefore, I propose we cut Michael, Jake and Kevin some slack. Their actions this time around speak louder than any words that would attempt to account for the last round.
:: Pete Vere 1:18 PM [+] | ::
:: Monday, June 13, 2005 ::
"Here a Jew...There a Jew...Everywhere Its Jews Jews" Dept.
It was brought to my attention that the CAItanic (and its resident Captain Queeg) put forth another conspiracy laden toilet rant against the Jews recently. It has been truly saddening to watch him deteriorate from a once-credible (if somewhat extreme in spots) Catholic apologist to an utter joke who cannot be taken seriously anymore. Even the quality of his work had been in decline for a while but since that fateful day in September of 2002, it has been one giant freefall. And with the loss of Michael Forrest, any restraints against Queeg's irrational tendencies have now been removed and it shows in his drivel of recent months.
Apparently, Our relative inactivity in recent months has driven erstwhile LEI provocateur Kevin Tierney to turn his gunbarrels on Queeg and his crew (does he even still have a crew???) and the results are posted at Kevin's group weblog. For Our part, We at Lidless Eye Inquisition substantially concur with those views and will consider that to be the final word on this matter in perpetuity all things to the contrary notwithstanding. (Please remember that tortured soul in your prayers.)
:: Shawn 5:03 PM [+] | ::
:: Saturday, June 11, 2005 ::
Points to Ponder: (On an Interesting Parallel from History on the Subject of "Preserving Tradition")
The growing estrangement between East and West was accentuated by the diversity in national character, language, rites, and discipline. Since the time of Justinian the Great, the Eastern church had sunk into a state of stagnation and rigid adherence to the forms and traditions of the past; and because she adhered to them, she looked askance at those who did not; because she was stagnant, she was suspicious of those who moved. If she had been satisfied to hold onto her traditions, all might have been well; but she insisted on imposing them on the west too. Any ritual or disciplinary practices not in harmony with those in vogue in the East, she declared "contrary to the apostolic tradition" and therefore to be abolished. [John Laux: Excerpt from Church History pg. 291 (c. 1930) with Nihil Obstat from J. Scanlan, STD and Imprimatur from Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop of New York (circa May 20, 1930)]
:: Shawn 12:32 PM [+] | ::
:: Monday, June 06, 2005 ::
Though posted initially at Rerum Novarumearlier today, it seems appropriate to duplicate this material at LEI since it deals specifically with a subject that pertains to some of what this weblog deals with. Without further ado, here is the text:
Today is the fifth anniversary of one of your host's web writings. I was not inclined to say anything on the matter until it was brought to my attention that Apolonio Latar had taken the opportunity of this anniversary to say some words about the writing in question. I have commented privately on this matter to the audience to whom the above comments were originally circulated but at the moment do not want to say anything publicly about it except to thank Apolonio for his kind words.
:: Shawn 1:16 PM [+] | ::